Welcome to the only RUGBY special interest Lodge in Surrey
If you love Rugby and want to enjoy your Freemasonry with other Rugby lovers, then come and join us. We are a new Lodge, originally formed as Renascentur Lodge No. 6636 in 1948, but re-formed as Renascentur Surrey Rugby Lodge in November 2019.
With shared values of integrity, respect, friendship and enjoyment and a common sense of camaraderie, the Lodge blends the fun and social character of rugby with traditional Masonic elements. We meet 4 times per year at different locations throughout the province. Our ceremonies and Festive Board are a blend of high-quality ritual mixed with the spirit of Rugby. Members are identified as part of the team by the wearing of a 'Cap' at the Festive Board.
We are from various parts of Surrey, range across age groups, and meet socially as well as for masonic meetings. We welcome partners and families for get-togethers at Rugby Clubs, Twickenham, The Stoop, BBQ’s, Brewery visits, sailing days, golf days, and more. If you want to join Freemasonry with a rugby flavour, come and join us, you'll be warmly welcomed.

Freemasons use four important guiding principles to help define their path through life: integrity, friendship, respect and charity. In today’s world filled with uncertainty, these principles ring as true as they have at any point in the organisation’s history. One of the oldest social and charitable organisations in the world, Freemasonry’s roots lie in the traditions of the medieval stonemasons who built our cathedrals and castles.

Freemasonry is a society of men concerned with moral and spiritual values. It provides a structure to instil in its members a moral and ethical approach to life-based on integrity, friendship respect, and charity.

Freemasonry provides the foundation for friendships between its members, many of which will last a lifetime. At the same time members are urged to regard the interests of the family as paramount.

Freemasonry brings people together irrespective of their race, religion, or background. Freemasonry also teaches concern for people, care for the less fortunate, and help those in need.

Freemasons practice charity and care, not only for their own, but also for the community as a whole – both by giving to charitable projects and causes, and by voluntary efforts and works as individuals.
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